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The IYAF (International Yoshinkai Aikido Federation) is a volunteer organization which links together over 100 Yoshinkan Aikido dojos worldwide. Based at the Honbu dojo in Tokyo, Japan, the IYAF coordinates the certification of Yoshinkan practitioners ranked Shodan and above.
The IYAF assists with tours by Honbu dojo instructors and is the focal point for foreign correspondance to the honbu dojo.
By Laws
The aim of the IYAF is to support the overseas teaching of Yoshinkai Aikido. Through the Federation, instructors worldwide have a direct link to the Hombu Dojo and access to the following:
1. Instructor Certificates
2. Kyu and Dan Certificates
3. Dojo Registration Certificates
4. Subsidized visits by Hombu Dojo and IYAF Instructors
5. Instructors Courses
6. Historical Documents
7. Teaching materials (including videos)
Instructor Certificates
All Yoshinkan black belt students (Yudansha) are eligible fo rIYAF insturctor certificates. Issued directly from the Hombu Dojo, these certificates (or teaching licenses) are valid for life. They establish a direct link with the Hombu Dojo. Hodlers of these certificates are registered instructors. No annual registration is necessary. Requirements are:
1. Dan ranking in Yoshinkan Aikido
2. Recommendation from an IYAF instructor ranked 3rd dan or higher.
Instructors may grade students, obtain kyu and dan certificates from the IYAF and use the name Yoshinkan Aikido and the Yoshinkan Aikido symbol. As instructors themselves are promoted, they may apply for certificates stating the grading responsibility of their higher rank.
Long-term, within any one country there will develop a number of registered instrucotros. These instructors may collectively form regional or national federations. Such federations should provide democratic representation for the interest of all member instructors. In certain countries, the political environment may make national federations useful.
Kyu and Dan Certificates
Kyu and dan certificates are available for students graded by registerd instructors. Kyu certificates are available for rankings beginning at 9th kyu and must be used from 3rd kyu. The student's name and kyu, the date and the instructor's name will be filled in by the instructor. Dan certificates will be issued individually by the Hombu Dojo. The student's name will be written on the cerificate at the IYAF. Registration of gradings with the IYAF is necessary for gradings to be entered in the Yoshinkan recores. Records of kyu and dan rankings should be submitted to the IYAF on a regular basis.
Dojo Registration Certificates
The IYAF can provide registration certificates for Yoshinkan Aikido dojos. These certificates prove that dojos are officially recognised by the IYAF. Only individuals approved by the IYAF may receive dojo registration certificates.
Subsidized visits by Hombu Dojo and IYAF Instructors
To assist overseas groups, instructors from the Hombu Dojo are available for overseas visits. Salaries are paid by Hombu Dojo in the main, but host groups are requested to contribute the equal of 5000yen teaching fee per day, per one location. Note: If instructors are required to travel and teach at two seperate locations in one day the fee should be adjusted accordingly. The international airfare will be paid by the IYAF, finances permitting. Hombu Dojo instructors will participate in regular classes and conduct clinics, gradings, demonstrations and instructors courses. Any group may invite insturctors from the Hombu Dojo. Accomodation can be in the form of a homestay. Visiting instructors may be utilized in fund raising by host groups. Dependent on finances, grants may be available for the IYAF instructors to visit existing or future Yoshinkan Aikido groups. Applications should be submitted to the IYAF.
Teaching Materials and Instructor Courses
The Hombu Dojo has a variety of teaching materials: guidelines for kyu and dan techniques and tests, instructional videotapes and publications, and instructor courses and gradings. The International Instructors Course is eleven months in duration. Shorter courses can be designed for those with time constraints.
International Yoshinkai Aikido Federation
Copyright ©1996 - 2014, All Rights Reserved
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